Alasdair Stuart is a Suave Dude...

I first learned of Alasdair as the genial Serling at the horror podcast Pseudopod, introducing some fine, terrifying horror stories, and also three of my own. He seemed like a very suave dude in podcast - and this spring, when we met up in Brighton at the World Horror Convention, it became clear his suaveness was not limited to the podcasting world. Alasdair is also an editor, of the U.K. sf online 'zine The Hub, and a blogger, for SFX, the British sf / f / h newsmagazine.

Well, one thing led to another - and before I knew it, I was back in Canada and we were conducting hot man-interview over email. We spoke of Captain Scarlet and Harlan Ellison, horror movies and short horror stories, and Eutopia, my forthcoming novel. Alasdair put it together, in a neat package.

And now it's up. At SFX. Right here.
